Monthly archivefor November2013

Malaysian Hospitality

After months of praising their mums cooking, Iman and her sisters finally invited Riccardo and myself to a home cooked roast dinner – at which Mama Preece did not disappoint. Given a choice of three types of chicken, I was quickly stuffing my face with…

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Jungle Trek II – Bukit Tabur

Earlier today, under the persistent request of my colleague, Iman and her sisters, I embarked on my fourth jungle trekking adventure since coming to Malaysia. It should be noted that three of the four were accomplished in this month alone which is in no small…

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Diwali Video #1 – Coconut drink prep

Here is a quick video of how quickly and carelessly they prepare the Coconut drinks by the roadside. One slip and say goodbye to his fingers…

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Diwali 2013

Last weekend it was time to celebrate the Festival of Lights again in KL. Unlike last year, which was spent with a traditional Indian family visiting their relatives, this year I intended to celebrate like a tourist once more. As a tourist group, we set…

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Jungle Trek

Having made my decision to leave Malaysia at Christmas, I have suddenly found my second wind in terms of activities and events. The main two culprits for instigating this are colleagues from my office who are determined to show me what I will be missing…

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Syrian Hospitality

A couple of nights ago, having worked late on a project in the office, my friend, Iman and I went to have dinner at a newly opened Syrian restaurant down the street. We had noticed it earlier when the loud sounds of music and merriment…

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