Weekly Roundup – Malaysian Bagpipes

Here’s a roundup of the weeks activities in picture form. Firstly, it’s the Malaysian Bagpipe Band – a very interesting display of Chinese and Malay performers dressed in Kilts playing the Bagpipes. Just when you think you’d seen it all…

Midweek I was treated to a “working lunch – Malaysian style” by eating lots of Dim Sum before heading to the site to hammer out some tricky issues. Of course, the contractor paid…

And finally on Thursday it was JB site visit time again. However this time I was treated to an extra long onslaught of the monsoon weather. After an hour of constant heavy rain, the main power at the site office shut down forcing the backup generators to kick in. Then on the drive back, I finally got a chance to get behind the wheel of a vintage Mercedes Benz as I helped drive back to KL, through the rain drenched highways at night.