Christmas Shopping

Also last weekend I managed to get a kick start on my Christmas Shopping by tackling it head on. In the space of a day, I traversed three shopping malls and managed to find gifts for half my family and friends, with a rough idea of what to get the other half. All in all, it was a very productive start to the annual slug-fest that is Christmas Shopping.

It was while at one of these malls that I realised just now OTT Malaysians go with Christmas decorations, which in itself would not surprise me. But at the end of the day, Malaysia is considered an Islamic country, and for them to do decorations like this that would put most cities in the UK to shame was, well, quite shocking. Not to say that I did not enjoy it at all, quite the contrary – it really made me get into the Consumerism of Christmas. At the end of the day, walking through the shopping mall, I almost forgot that I was in Asia. For me, it was just another shopping mall in the UK – and I still can’t decide if that’s a bad thing or not.