Hong Kong part V – The Day of Rest

After my hectic day of walking I woke up to my legs still sore and not looking forward to the prospect of doing it all again. It was then that Brian handed me a way out. He was planning to take the day off and as such I had assess to the car – Brilliant! The weather again was terrible but at least I would be dry.

We quickly devised a plan to see the more far-flung places of Kowloon and the New Territories and set off. Among our destinations was the Hong Kong School of Creative Design – an interesting college with an open concept, meaning that we had access right into the heart of the school and could technically look into the classes as they were being taught. It also contained the largest single escalator I had ever seen.

After a while of visiting rain drenched places including what was supposed to be a picturesque fishing village (where the fog and rain covered everything), we had had enough and retreated to my favourite of places – the shopping mall. It wasn’t all that bad as it turned out, because next to the shopping mall was the first Zero Carbon Building in HK that was fascinating to see, even if a little dull on the design.

After a while we gave up and headed to have some nice Korean food in Kowloon before calling it a night. While it was not the most productive of days, I did manage to see a larger variety of places and most importantly rest my feet for a while ready for my last full day in HK…