Jungle Trek II – Bukit Tabur

Earlier today, under the persistent request of my colleague, Iman and her sisters, I embarked on my fourth jungle trekking adventure since coming to Malaysia. It should be noted that three of the four were accomplished in this month alone which is in no small part due to these ladies.

This morning, it was raining, and while I was initially hesitant about hiking in the rain, luckily it dissipated by the time we reached Bukit Tabur. Famous for being quite tough with a mix of both hiking and light climbing required to reach the peaks, of which there are 12, Tabur itself was a ridge which separated the KL Reservoir and the City.

The first four of these peaks are nothing more than clearings with a small view that you reach consecutively. After which, the route gets a lot tougher and I found myself struggling after peak 7. By this point, the trees had mostly opened up to allow an amazing view of the nearby Reservoir on one side of the ridge and KL on the other – queue photo opportunity.

I was hesitant to go to this hike after hearing of the climbing aspect involved and assuming that I would not be good / not like it. I could not have been more wrong. After the initial fear subsided I found myself climbing up and enjoying it a lot. Eventually we reached the main peak and began to descend the other direction towards the city.

Due to the rainfall from that early morning, the downhill path, which I had hoped would be simple, turned into an arduous slow crawl. By the end, after several bumps and falls due to the mud, I found myself celebrating at the base covered in mud and looking like a complete wreck with a beaming smile on my face.