Labour Day and Racist Dogs

Today was a public holiday and I found myself working at the office – this pretty much sums up the week I’ve had. I should state that compared to the hectic competition entry of the previous week, this one was a complete breeze – namely because I slept before midnight most nights.

During the course of this week, I found myself heading up two projects which briefly ballooned into five and then back down to three. One such project is currently onsite which gives me a great chance to boost my experience with the construction side of design.

I have also found an additional reason to hate dogs here, as one particularly has a grudge against me. On my way to work every morning, he waits, laying dormant as people walk past him, pretending to sleep, until I enter his radar. At which point, he begins to bark so loud and viciously that you would think I was trying to rob his masters house. I have concluded after several trips that the dog is in fact racist.

Unrelated to work and in holiday news, this week I secured a place to stay in Cambodia so that I could visit the Angkor Wat. I’ve penciled in the month of November for this trip, which gives me enough time to save some money for it.