Procastination, Puasa and Packing…

First off, let me apologise for not uploading anything in over two weeks. It’s not for lack of anything interesting, quite the opposite infact. However the real reason I’ve not been uploading anything is due to genuine procastination. Let’s see… in the past two weeks Ramadan has begun and here the majority population take it very seriously. It has however, allowed me to experience “Buka Puasa” (Break Fast) which is effectively a massive feast that takes place after sunset or 19:30 here in KL. This has also allowed me to visit the Ramadan Market, which, as the name suggests, allows you to buy large quantities of good food for cheap prices. Usually they are open air stalls crammed with people, not just Muslims either, that are out to grab a bargain before they can eat.

The actual bank holiday for Ramadan falls in two weeks time, whereby we get two days off. I am already beginning to plan what to do during the four day weekend, but unsurprisingly all the airlines have increased their prices during this time. Still, there must be something interesting to do around here.

The last bit of interesting news came last Friday, when half the office was told to put all their belongings into boxes by the end of the day. Don’t worry, I haven’t been prematurely fired from the job – the office is going through some renovations and so over the weekend the reshuffling of office staff would take place. It was, however, fairly interesting to see how much stuff I had accumulated over the last four months of working here. As always, pictures will follow from the last two weeks of wonderful misadventures including an interesting visit to the Traders Hotel Sky Bar…