KL – Saturday City Walks

Since we walked approximately 15-20 km on Friday, we were more inclined to take it easy on Saturday. After scouring the pages of Time Out KL, we found a fledgling music concert taking place that evening in a nearby Shopping Centre. The Fete de la Musique was billed as a mix of local Malay bands and a special guest appearance from a French indie rock band. When we arrived there it was still three hours before the kick off, yet already there were several people screaming to the music of an off-key Malay Rock Band as they screamed their way through Queen Covers. Realising that the best was clearly yet to come, we decided to wander the shopping centre and take in a film while we waited.

When the film had finished I received an offer to eat freshly caught sea food from a town an hour away from KL. The timing was perfect, as we quickly realised that the much hyped French Indie Band, was in fact just as awful as the local Malay bands. After quickly exiting, we spent the next hour driving to Teluk Gong, a fishing village in the Klang Valley. The food was excellent! Fresh Crabs, Prawns, Clams and a lovely steamed fish went down perfectly. It was also here that I tried Todi – a local alcoholic drink made of fermented Coconut milk. While it was interesting, I was not instantly won over by it. My friend stated that Todi was only great in the mornings as it begins to go off very quickly – it didn’t help that my first experience of it was at 9pm!

On the drive back, the group decided to take a detour and stop for some ice cream – just want you want at midnight! Never one to say no to food, I attempted some mango and coconut porridge which was lovely, but definitely not the right time to eat.