The best laid plans…

While posting the last set of photos from this weeks weird and wonderful collection, it occurred to me that I had not written for a while and so I felt compelled to sum up the last month or so: Its been interesting. I am ashamed to admit that I have not been sightseeing nearly as much as I would have wanted to but that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy myself this last month.

Most of the free time outside of work was spent sprucing up the room and exploring the urban wilderness, which in Malaysian terms means one thing: Shopping Malls. When I first saw the epic scale of these Malls here, I couldn’t help but think of George Orwell and the “Money God” to whom theses buildings would serve. The vast sprawling areas overwhelm the user and yet there seems to be no sign of it ending – you pass by several adverts for new Malls opening soon, on the way to one.

Following on from the office trip to Sekeping Serendah, I decided to explore the north of Malaysia and found the “Jungle Train” – a regular train that connects the north and south together with the small villages in the middle. The journey up is a daunting 11 hours, as the train meanders through the dense jungle to reach its remote destinations. Currently I am in the process of finding another brave soul who is willing to endure the journey before I set off, so watch this space!

And finally, plans are being made for a trip to Taman Negara (direct translation is Royal Park, but National Jungle makes more sense). This is a jungle trekking adventure that takes a minimum of three days to explore. I am aiming to attempt at least one of these two adventures by the end of the month so fingers crossed work doesn’t get in the way.