Malay Wedding Crashers…

This weekend saw me essentially gatecrash a Malay wedding of an apparently famous Malaysian Footballer. I went along with two other guys from the office, one of whom is a casual friend of the brides family. This was our ticket in. Arriving just after 1pm, we surveyed the gazebo, which incidentally was placed directly on the road (making it impossible to get to the other side) and found a table to sit at. After being greeted by the Father of the Bride, we went to have some lunch – lovely spicy chicken and beef curry with rice.

It was only at this point that my friend revealed that the Groom was in fact a famous football player within the Malaysian circles, and subsequently pointed out other members of the team that had come to the wedding.

Just before we left, we did what any good guest would do, and got our picture taken with the Blushing Bride and Groom. All in all, not bad for a last minute decision to attend a Malay Wedding.