Yogyakarta – Part IV – Ramayana Ballet

As the sun began to set, we left and headed across the adjacent river to the open-air stage that is home to the Ramayana Ballet Performance. This show, which has been going on for almost 40 years, depicts the ancient Hindu story of Rama and Sita. Due to its location, the ballet performance has the Shiva Temple, as the backdrop for is story – which brings a further level of grandeur to the whole show.

As fate would have it, halfway through the performance it started to rain, and many of the audience began to leave. Just when we were on the brink of deciding to stay or go, the rain let up slightly. It should be noted that during the whole shower, the performance did continue, so we felt like we must prevail. Luckily that was the only sour note in an otherwise excellent performance that had many of the audience shouting cheers and clapping during the 2 hour length of the show.

For me to sum up the Indian Epic would be asking too much, so I found this helpful storyboard that essentially tells the story, click here.

So with the ballet over, we headed back to the hotel, ending one mammoth day of being a Culture Vulture.